Schlagwort-Archive: Beauty

I often look at the sky and try to imagine the immensity of the universe…

Im Gespräch mit Jane Iredale, Vorsitzende und Gründerin der Jane Iredale Mineral Cosmetics

710 What does beauty mean for you personally?

Beauty is something that connects with you inside and lifts the spirits. It can be a flower, a person, a piece of music. It’s a very personal experience. I think female beauty, male too, is completely dependent on inner beauty. We’ve all had experiences where someone initially appears very beautiful to our eyes, but after a while the impact wears off. I think this is because we’re let down by something inside them. Conversely, the opposite can happen where someone grows more beautiful.

You started your buisiness in 1994. I heave read that before this you were very successful in the film buisiness and even worked together with ver247y famous people. Still, you turned your back on film to develop the first cosmetics which are actually good for the skin. How did you feel when starting this new business?

I was never scared even though I staked everything I had on it. I had such confidence in the products and I knew this was something that women wanted and needed. I never missed my show business life.  In fact, it was a relief. I’m so much happier doing what I do now.

So you never had the desire to return to film?  Weiterlesen

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Kosmetik vom Feinsten – Mineral Make-up (Teil 1: Meine „Bekehrung“)

Auftritt Jane Irreale Mineral Kosmetik auf dem deutschen Markt. Ich war so skeptisch. Mineral Make-up sollte eine „Verlängerung der Hautpflege“ sein?! Einer wirkungsvollen Hautpflege wie ENVIRON??

Ich fand, ENVIRON braucht keine Verlängerung. Und hatte keinen Schimmer, was mir da entging.

Wann immer ich von nun an auf Kosmetikerinnen und Visagistinnen traf, die mit Jane Irdales Mineralkosmetik arbeiteten, hagelte es Hymnen der Begeisterung über diese “neue Technologie”. Denn das ist diese Kosmetik, versicherte man mir, ein völlig neuer Umgang mit Make-up, eine andere, neue Technologie. Seidiges Hautgefühl. Federleichtes Tragegefühl. Ebenmäßiger Teint. Das Hautbild verbessert sich. Ja, auch bei einer mit ENVIRON top gepflegten Haut.

Na dann. Was blieb mir übrig? Nix wie ran! Weiterlesen

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